Monday, February 25, 2008


We're safe and sound in Lawton. The kids are all in school (finally). Shay is at Eisenhower High and Andrew and Alex are at the Jr. High. Melissa, Jacob and Abigail are at Almor West.

They like their teachers and are settling in pretty well.

Sam doesn't sign in until March 10th, but is working on a few remodeling jobs.

We have found a house but are waiting for the closing, which could be as late as the end of March. I will post pictures once I have a firm closing date.

More later!


Marisa said...

OK, Ft. Sill is bringing back so many memories for me! Shan went to OBC there and we STAYED in lodging for five months!!! I'm still amazed I survived that winter with Ryan who was 2 and Emma who was 1 and all in a two bedroom glorified hotel. All we brought with us was the stuff we could STUFF into our little Honda Accord. Crazy. I could NEVER do it now.

Sounds like everything is going great for you guys. I am SO happy it all worked out. Hope your stuff comes off the truck in perfect shape. Well... we can always hope.