Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nie Nie Dialogues

Some of you may have heard about an plane accident that happened in eastern Arizona a couple of weeks ago. The flight instructor Doug Kinneard, died in this accident. Also, in this crash a young Mormon couple were critically burned. Stephanie's burns cover 80% of her body and her husband Christian's burns cover 30% of his body. Stephanie is the writer of a blog called NIE NIE DIALOGUES. In her blog she shares the story of raising her children and living a life that she loves.

Her sister has been keeping everyone updated on their progress on her blog C Jane Run.

The New York Times wrote an article today about the Nielson's.

What amazes me about this story is the support that the blogging community has given this family, DesignMom put together an amazing online auction, and people from all over the world have been given a chance to help out the Nielson family. I love that people are using their talents to help others.

If you have the chance today, read the article, then head on over to Nie Nie Dialogues and meet the Nielson family.

If you only have a bit of time, then take a few moments to read this post by Stephanie.