Monday, December 25, 2006

2006 In Review: The Family

Sam was released as Bishop in June and then in July deployed to Iraq for a year. We are praying that this is his last deployment. I'm still teaching seminary and still loving it. In April our family was chosen to be the AUSA Braxton Bragg Family of the Year, the kids loved it because they were able to check out of school early and have lunch with Army Astronaut, Shane Kimbrough. WE are so very grateful for the many blessings that have been poured out upon us this year........not to say that there haven't been tough times, but we've seen the Lord's hand in all things. WE are grateful for our friends......for old friends and new friends.... the influence you have had in our lives will be felt for generations. WE are grateful for our family and for our children who have taught us some amazing lessons. WE are thankful for our country and for the service men and women who are so much a part of our daily lives. WE are thankful for the sacrifices they and their families make so that we may enjoy the freedoms that so many of us take for granted. And most importantly WE are thankful for Jesus Christ. May WE all remember to seek him as wise men of old..... Merry Christmas from our Family to Yours. May the new year be filled with love and peace.