Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Best Places to Raise Your Kids 2009

BusinessWeek Published their list of
"The Best Places to Raise Your Kids 2009".
Lawton was on the top of the list for Oklahoma!
Now if we just had a TARGET....


Nearest city: Oklahoma City

Population: 89,304

Median household income: $47,988

Lawton is 90 miles from Oklahoma City in the southwest part of the state, and just north of the Fort Sill Army post. The area has 22,400 acres of wildlife habitat and many lakes that are good for fishing and boating.


David and Jessica Wakefield said...

Looks like an awesome place to live. I know what you mean about a Target. We only have 2 in Alaska and they are in Wasilla and Anchorage. 6-8 hours away!!

Jessica S. said...

They didn't mention the scorpions, though.

Taylor Gibb said...

You lucky dogs! This looks beautiful.... I never would have pictured Oklahoma this way.
My personal vice and present longing is for Costco, I imagine the feeling is the same.