Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tag You're It.....Thanks Jessica

A-attached or single: Very Attached.
B-best friends: Bridget and Linda
C-cake or pie: Pumpkin Pie
D-day of choice: Monday- right after the last school bus pulls away!
E-essential item(s): Camera and cell phone(with camera)
F-favorite color: Orange
G-gummy worms or bears: Bears, but only the clear ones.
H-hometown: Mannington, West Virginia
I-indulgence: Egg nog
J-January or July: January if I could have a couple of feet of snow. I'd love for my kids to know the joys of REAL Snow.
K-kids: Kayla, Shay, Andrew, Alexander, Melissa, Jacob and Abigail
L-life is incomplete without: My family.
M-marriage date: June 3, 1989
N- number of siblings: 1
O-oranges or apples: Granny Smith Apples
P-phobias or fears: Snakes
Q-quotes: "No success can compensate for failure in the home" David O. McKay
R-reasons to smile: My wonderful husband and 7 kids and how could I forget our 2 four-legged babies, Dirk and Maggie
S-season: Fall
T-tag friends: Bridget, Linda, Shiloah and Angel
U-unknown fact about me: Then it wouldn't be unknown anymore......HELLO.........(although Linda and Opal know because they've "caught" me) Heee.Heee.
V-very favorite store: Target
W-worst habit: ABC Order in the Pantry
X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultrasound
Y-your favorite food: Olive Garden Fetuccine Alfredo + Dunkin Donuts Maple= PERFECT.
Z-Zodiac: Pisces


Shiloah Baker said...

I'm only a month late, sorry! I'm putting it up right now...