Tuesday, January 22, 2008


While we were home we got to visit with my grandfather. He will be 95 on March 24th! The kids loved being able to spend some time with him and left with a bucket full of homemade cookies. When we were little we ALWAYS left Pap's house with something........even if it was saltine crackers in a paper sack. When all of the kids were little Pap would dance a "jig" with them, and tell them stories about Brer Rabbit. I miss those stories and the stories about him growing up. He used to drive a team of oxen and had an old red truck that he called Betsy. I remember him picking me up early from school and taking me out for Strawberry BB Bats and a Pepsi (in a glass bottle with a straw).


Jessica S. said...

how awesome! I hope you were able to write down as many stories as you can remember. Those will be keepsakes!