Get Out There and VOTE!!!
I voted. Not only did I vote, but I thoroughly researched the issues and the candidates before I did so. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am mortified at the people all around me-- the gym, the preschool, the church, the store-- who haven't sought out any information for themselves, but get their information from other people's opinions or political ads. Some people I have talked to don't even know if they are going to vote at all! One of the saddest things is how simple things like the rain affect how many people show up to vote. Throughout history, people would, have, and do kill for the right to vote and it is not something we should take lightly.
This is, no doubt, a treacherous time for Americans, and we cannot afford to be in the dark about the future of our country. Have we gotten so lazy that we can't even spend a few hours of our time to educate ourselves, and then get out there and vote?
It was less than a century ago that women in the United States couldn't vote. Most of our grandparents lived in that time. Thankfully, in America we have a democracy- where we can and do bring about well-deserved change.
I voted. Not only did I vote, but I thoroughly researched the issues and the candidates before I did so. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am mortified at the people all around me-- the gym, the preschool, the church, the store-- who haven't sought out any information for themselves, but get their information from other people's opinions or political ads. Some people I have talked to don't even know if they are going to vote at all! One of the saddest things is how simple things like the rain affect how many people show up to vote. Throughout history, people would, have, and do kill for the right to vote and it is not something we should take lightly.
This is, no doubt, a treacherous time for Americans, and we cannot afford to be in the dark about the future of our country. Have we gotten so lazy that we can't even spend a few hours of our time to educate ourselves, and then get out there and vote?
It was less than a century ago that women in the United States couldn't vote. Most of our grandparents lived in that time. Thankfully, in America we have a democracy- where we can and do bring about well-deserved change.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to live in a country, which is not perfect, but at least gives people the chance to create change and progress and have a say in our government. If we don't want to help govern ourselves by being informed and active citizens, then we really can't complain about the people we allow to be voted into office. There are so many who have made this country the wonderful blessing that it is- The Founding Fathers, the troops throughout history, and active citizens everywhere. God Bless America.
~Guest Post by Marisa
Wow, Lori, so cool! I'm glad you posted me! That's a first for me. Today's the BIG day, come what may:)
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