Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween 2008

Dirk in Drag. ( No he didn't keep the wig on). Maggie didn't dress up, but I gave both of them bones for trick-or treat!
The Witch.
Laura Ingalls.

Ghouls Love Him, Mummies Don't.

Too old to dress up, but still wants the CANDY!

Andrew in Uniform.

The tree in my front yard. I love this tree.

The kids didn't seem as excited this year as in year's past. Maybe it was the 80 degree temperatures? Also, it was a LONG day. The elementary school had crazy hair day and at the end of the school day we had our class "Fall Parties", so maybe they were all partied out. And of course the High School (Eisenhower) had their homecoming game tonight. Andrew was on the JROTC saber team when the Homecoming Royalty took the field at Halftime.


Jessica S. said...

Dirk - he looks so humiliated.

David and Jessica Wakefield said...

Cute puppy! I wish it was 80 degrees here on Halloween. We probably would have gotten out a little more.

Marisa said...

You guys look great! And Lori, I love your tree. One of the best things in NC is the late fall and I'm loving all the fluttering leaves right now. It is heaven.

Foote Family said...

Ahh, the changing of fall leaves! I really miss that, our trees still have green leaves. I'll have to show Miranda the Laura Ingalls costume. She loves reading the Little House on the Prairie books.