Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Abby's Birthday Part 1

Straighten her hair AND let her wear a crown, yes a REAL one.
Birthday favors for her classmates.

And to top it off she MADE her OWN birthday sign since we obviously couldn't be trusted :)

I'm going to chronicle Abby's birthday into Parts. AS she is the "baby" of the family or "the spoiled one" she will fortunately/unfortunately have MANY birthday celebrations each year (of which you will see in the coming days, her real birthay being the 18th).


David and Jessica Wakefield said...

Happy Birthday Abby! We miss you! Especially Alysson and Kasey.

Bridget said...

Abbey...I remember the day you were born and even then you had a crown on. Well, I would have put one on you if the hospital let me. You wear it with pride. You come by this honestly. Your Mom may have carried you but you have my genes!