Friday, June 27, 2008

Abby's Baby

This is Abby with her Baby, Nick. (Sunglasses, don't leave home without them~!)
He has his own stroller, car seat and huge bag full of diapers, toys and real baby clothes.
And what's in the stroller.......

wallet, mP3, and digital camera. Spoiled? Ya think?


Bridget said...

I am starting to think I MUST be her biological Mother! She is definitely just like me!!

justLorie said...

I KNOW.....You'll have to show John and Grammy and ask if she reminds them of anyone?.....LOL

Bridget said...

Perfection is hard to come by...
consider yourself lucky to have known 2 people with such perfection!! LOL

justLorie said...

and both of them named Bridget? WE went to the movies today and she plopped that doll right down beside of her. She even nurses the dang thing (while she's watching What Not to Wear). You just never know what she's gonna come up with next.