Friday, June 27, 2008
Abby's Baby
This is Abby with her Baby, Nick. (Sunglasses, don't leave home without them~!)
Posted by justLorie 4 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
You Know You're From Mannington When.......

Ok, this won't apply to most people who read this blog, but for those who "get it" you will find it extremely funny.....and extremely right on.....this is probably one of the great or not so great things about growing up in a small town.
You Know You're from Mannington when.....
-you had to walk to practice after school
-you had to walk to practice after school
-you had to ride a bus to gym class
-you ever watched or were in a fight in Nicotene Alley
-Fairmont was considered "town"
-Morgantown was considered "the city"
-You know where the "Tree" is!
-You know what and where "the Cut" is!
-you've dropped eggs from the bell tower or signed the bell
-you may or may not have cell phone service in your living room
-you had to catch the bus at 5:30 get to school on time
-you own Kelly green sweats
-you knew who Tofake was or what his business's were
-you think the Mannington Fair is bragging rights!
-you know who all the cops are sleeping with
-you know who everyone is sleeping with!
-you know where "Copenhagen Corner" is located
-you have an appreciation for Side Tracked and Kick a Little
-you may own a Harley item(hat, tshirt,boots..etc.)
-you remember the 12 foot section of the Mannington Pool
-you've ever gone to Rachel for a change of party scene
-you have ever seen Water street flooded at least 4 times in your life
-every single field trip you went on consisted of a ride to Flaggy Meadow and the Round Barn
-you know someone who answers to, Butter, Scratch, Chicken, Mustard,Punk,Nasif,Hoghead,Bucky,Little Jack,Big Jack,Groundhog, 'Possum,Butch,Smoke,Huck,Fishface, Horseface or some other very unique nickname!
-you knew more than 1 person whose summer job was working for Coach Michael in the hay field
-your summer job was working for Coach Michael in the hayfield
-you know what Hawk's Nesters were
-you know if you can't get something before 9 P.M you DON'T NEED IT THAT BAD!
-you remember what was there before Rainbow Plaza
-you remember the A & P and
-you know there is no greater hot dog than that of T&L
-you know where the PANTRY STORE(not BP or 7-11) is
.-you don't go to the Rite Aide when you have Dollar General
-a sit down dinner means eating in Mario's instead of having delivery
-you remember the fires that destroyed the town...and all the talk surrounding them!
-you are related to an Efaw, Fluharty, Hayes, or Thorne (or all the above)
-chances are you are related to someone or know someone who lives on Mohans Run (and you know how to pronounce that) Flat Run, Huey Run, Dents Run, Whetstone, Plum Run or any of the other "hollas" around! (FYI: Mohans Run is pronounced Mockins Run....I swear).
-you know where all these places are located and whether or not the city cops are able to go there
-you had to drive a half hour to the nearest Wal-Mart
- You know what it was to be able to drive around and have the cops stop you because they think you are your parents
- you know how to get from Mannington to Rachel on a 4-wheeler without ever touching blacktop
.-you know what it was to have Saturday night parties WITHOUT The cops being called
- You Ever been to Hueys run swimming.
-you know if you are under age who you can have some one to buy you beer and help you drink it.
-you know Stanley Starsick and where he lives
-You know ANY of The Hibbs'
-You have been to the witch's grave
Posted by justLorie 2 comments
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