I spent part of the day baking goodies for Christmas today, while Sam took the kids to the ball field for a game of baseball. There are three cookies that we bake every year to remember our (great) grandmothers and to share with our children part of our wonderful childhood memories.
I make Mamaw Higgin's Pumpkin Cookies and Nanny Parker's Spritz Cookies.
Sam makes Nan Culotta's Italian Cookies with the kids.
Alexander helped to make peanut butter fudge and Snickerdoodles today, I think he just likes licking the bowls.........

On Christmas Eve, my family would go to my Mama and Pap Higgins's for Christmas Eve. The table would be loaded with goodies....Orange cookies, pumpkin cookies, peanut butter balls to name a few, and red punch with sherbet floating on top! Santa would surely come to visit and we eagerly awaited the sound of the sleigh bells.
On Christmas Day we would visit Nanny and Pap Parker's house for more presents. I was on the search for two things though..........spritz cookies and Nanny's white fudge with nuts and cherries. Of course it was nobody's business that I had already visited the day before and sampled a few!
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