Sunday, February 22, 2009

Special Olympics Polar Plunge

Andrew supported Special Olympics Oklahoma this past weekend by participating in the Polar Plunge. The plunge involved jumping into a freezing cold pool.......the outside temp was in the 30's with a windchill of 19 degrees! He jumped with Brandon and Uncle Bobby.......of course they had robes on at the beginning so everyone knew that underneath of the robes there was something funny. As they disrobed they revealed their shell bras and leis much to the amusement of the crowd! The newscaster covering the Plunge named them "Men in Bikinis".......
If you'd like to see the Video

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


To you women of today, who are old or young, may I suggest to you that you write, that you keep journals, that you express your thoughts on paper. Writing is a great discipline. It is a tremendous education effort. It will assist you in various ways, and you will bless the lives of many--now and in the years to come, as you put on paper some of your experiences and some of your musings."
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh you memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Catching Up: Snow Day

Yes we finally had a snow day in Oklahoma......
Three in fact~ and we get to "make them up" too.

But the snow wouldn't cooperate to build a Andrew packed the snow in a bucket and voila' a bucketman, hat and scarf included!


Maggie came into the family room and saw Melissa with the curlers in her hair and it freaked her out she spent the next five minutes growling and barking at Melissa. It was too funny!

Melissa's First Temple Trip