Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mt. Scott

Rock Climbing, Rock Sitting and Rock Hiding

Lawton: The View from Mt. Scott


One of our favorite things about the Wildlife Refuge is the Buffalo.
I took a picture that included the road so that you can see the buffalo roam freely.

From the gift shop we picked out a book titled
Where the Buffaloes Begin by Olaf Baker
The pictures in the book are black and white charcoal drawings......I love, love, love them.

FYI: Buffalo or Bison?
Historians are undecided on the origin of buffalo as the name for the North American bison, although some speculate that early European explorers likened the unknown bison to the more familiar African and Asian buffalo. A related view is that the word ‘buffalo’ is derived from terms in other languages used by explorers to describe the unfamiliar beast, including, bisonte, buffes, buffelo, buffles, and buffalo. These terms are similar to bufle and buffe, which were commonly used to refer to any animal that provided good hide for buff leather. Despite the misnomer, the term ‘buffalo’ has been used interchangeably with ‘bison’ since early explorers first discovered the North American species, and has become entrenched as a colloquialism in North American culture and language.

Oklahoma Wildlife

Prairie Dogs
and Racoons........OH MY!

Blue Canyon Wind Farm

As we were leaving the Wildlife Refuge these caught my eye.(You'll have to click on the picture to see them!) I love Wind Farms, there's just something about them. They remind me of the whirlygigs that you blew on as a kid. So I will explore these a little later on.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crochet Bargains

Ok, it started with this yarn called Blueberry Pie for 10 cents a skein at Walmart. This is probably one bargain that I should have passed up. Not only has it been 12 plus years since I crocheted anything....(actually I didn't even finish that project it started out as a Christmas blanket and then was converted to a Christmas tree skirt and now graces the Almor West Elementary School Christmas tree), but I don't even like purple. I have been threatening each child in our family along with Sam that I'm making the blanket especially for them! I had to buy a "refresher" book so that I could remember the stitches and to have Sam's mom send me a few patterns. I'm adding a row or two here or there, but may find out that this is another one of those "unfinished" blankets. And if by some small miracle I really do finish it and you find it under YOUR Christmas tree.......remember to tell me that you LOVE it and purple is your FAVORITE color........"Oh.......... you shouldn't have!"

The Pantry

Almost done. The Freezer and Popcorn Machine are on the other side. Sam's been working on the house a little bit each night but with a 6 day work week not much gets done! We are finishing unpacking the last room..........finally.

Meet the Sandman

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Ode to Target

My one complaint about Lawton.............no Target :(
So last night, we loaded up the kids and headed to Wichita Falls, Texas.
After the receipt printed, I was thinking it's probably a good thing that there's no
Target in Lawton.
But.....I did get to bring home these "spirography" sheets from the Thomas O'Brien Vintage Modern Collection.
and this tote....

and these anamalz just because I like them.
And because I'm me.....I'm thinking about a Christmas tree decorated with them.... how cute would that be? (stop rolling your eyes Sam)

Did I mention that I love Target?

The Writings on the Wall

He's still working away......
but I guess he got tired of losing his notebook.....

so for now....the writing's on the wall.

at least his new truck is coming in handy!